WHO Poll

Manuel 7:54 Fri Mar 1
Thomas Kingston Suicide
Just 45 years old, married into royalty, seemingly a blissful, privileged life, blew his brains out a few days ago?

What do the wise heads of WHO make of this, if anything?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

J.Riddle 12:51 Sun Mar 3
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
Is there any mileage in these salacious twitter rumours about William being hung like a gnat?

Mike Oxsaw 9:42 Sat Mar 2
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
I'd not be surprised if this was money related.

His royal connections would have given him access to money at preferential interest rates very few people could see but when the rates rose his royal connections were not strong enough and there were demands for payback.

Doubt his wife had an inkling of what he was doing.

Fauxstralian 3:31 Sat Mar 2
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
Noone knows what is going on in other peoples heads and having some wealth and royal connection doesnt make you bullet proof.
Literally in his case

Strange reporting though with all this talk of a catastrophic head wound and a gun nearby.
He blew his brains out. Simples
Presuming William does have an alibi

On The Ball 12:40 Sat Mar 2
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
Crazy Twitter at first blamed vaccines for this and the Rothschild bloke - until they remembered that contradicted the other theory that the "elites" weren't vaccinated. Entertaining stuff watching them tie themselves in knots over with daft idea to believe.

Sydney_Iron 12:12 Sat Mar 2
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
He may have been a toff and have all the privileges of that and marrying into the Royal family but still very sad especially for the family.

Guess Mental illness will have played a part, he must have been tormented and a bit fucked up to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.


Kaiser Zoso 10:04 Fri Mar 1
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
William killed him, I saw him do it.



zico 10:03 Fri Mar 1
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
Well Twitter is exploding, the vaccine theorists have now been replaced by the William killed him theorists!! Christ I wish they would just ban social media.

Hefty Bill 9:47 Fri Mar 1
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
Who gives a flying fuck.

Fuck off Manuel you boring cunt

Hammer and Pickle 9:37 Fri Mar 1
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
Why don’t you write the BBC a strongly-worded letter to insist you have a right to the kind of sensationalised drivel you expect from a news source? The family is fair game as privileged royals and you won’t be denied you moment of perverse satisfaction, right Fat Ron?

Kaiser Zoso 9:23 Fri Mar 1
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
‘ Thomas Kingston, Lady Gabriella Kingston's husband, died from a "traumatic head wound", an inquest has heard.
A gun was found near his body in an outbuilding at his parents' home in the Cotswolds.’

So according to the BBC, he didn’t blow his brains out, it was a naughty gun that inflicted his head wound.

Dwight Van Mann 8:55 Fri Mar 1
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
Probably logged onto WHO, read some of the boring bullshit Pickle posts incessantly and thought fuck it

Pub Bigot 8:49 Fri Mar 1
Re: Thomas Kingston Suicide
I bet he didn’t have a fun licence.

One rule for them, country, dogs, etc.

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